Case Study - Payment processor leverages Adobe Experience Manager (AEM) to drive digital marketing success

As a global leader in payment solutions, our client serves financial institutions, merchants and businesses. They approached us with a desire to drive new business and propel their existing business forward.

Financial Services
AEM Multinational Corporate Site

The Business Challenge

As a global leader in payment solutions, our client serves financial institutions, merchants and businesses. They approached us with a desire to drive new business and propel their existing business forward.

To do this, they needed a more innovative approach to the presentation of their marketing materials, as their current system was disjointed and complicated with content spread across multiple sites and systems. They required a consolidated global platform with a centralized content repository that also allowed for automated translation into several languages to serve various global markets. This platform would also need to allow for smaller, independent microsites and landing pages to serve their banking partners.


By implementing a fully managed Adobe Experience Manager (AEM) platform, we were able to create a consolidated content management and translations solution. Collaborating closely with the client, we could efficiently deploy a new site design and develop a cohesive front-end solution. The ease of management of the platform allowed the client to be completely self-sufficient in managing all their web and asset needs.

The impact

This centralized CMS system allowed our customer to easily manage all their content from one place. They could then immediately push that content to a translations service and then out to each language site. The easy user interface and integrated workflow gave the content managers full control of the site. This completely transformed their ability to perform content updates, effectively decreasing the time to market and allowing them to be more responsive to their customer’s needs.

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Tech Stack

  • Adobe Experience Manager
  • Amazon Web Services
  • Salesforce
Global Regions
Load Times
Lightning Fast

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